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PSCC Minutes 10/02/2013
Town of Newbury
Public Safety Complex Committee


DATE:   October 2, 2013 Approved as written, 10/16/2013

Present:        Tracy Blais, Keith Grant, Sam Joslin, John Lucey, Jr., Eric Svahn, Martha Taylor, Curtis Walton
Absent:         Sam Joslin, Rob Serino
Guests:         Mike Doyle, Jonathan Kelley, Ed Donnelly

Martha Taylor, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:22 a.m.


GOAL:   To design and build a public safety complex for the Town of Newbury that will house the Newbury Police Department, Newbury Fire / Protection 2 and Emergency Management with space and resources to accommodate both agencies’ needs for the next 50 years while renovating the existing Town Hall building to better accommodate Town Hall services.
1.      Deficiency Report
2.      Site Feasibility Report
3.      Design Phase
4.      Construction & Renovation Phases


Motion: A motion was made by T. Blais and seconded by C. Walton to approve the minutes of September 25, 2013, as written.  The motion passed unanimously.


  • Property Survey:  T. Blais reported that ARC Surveying & Engineering Associates, Inc. (ARCSEA) has started the additional field work required and expects to be done by next week.  Wetlands on the abutting property are to be flagged.  Tim Meehan of ARCSEA is in the process of obtaining quotes for the subsurface investigation (21E and test borings).
For the benefit of the guests attending the meeting, T. Blais gave a brief summary of the how this site was chosen as the first priority for the complex.  She noted that there were originally six locations under consideration for a police station or public safety complex, including 1) the Woodbridge School, which is no longer available; 2) the Town Forest, which has no water or sewer and did not perc; 3) the Library, which is not viable due to the terms of the grant that was used to fund construction; 4) the Protection #2 parcels; 5) a site on Route 1 belonging to the Governor’s Academy; and 6) Manter Field.  The Protection #2 site became the priority when the Company approached the Town.  The current evaluation is being done to determine the feasibility of using this site.

  • Lease vs. Ownership:    For the guests attending the meeting, T. Blais re-confirmed that both town counsel and bond counsel have advised that a long-term lease between the Town and Protection #2 is acceptable, as long as the term of the lease is at least as long as the term of the debt service (typically 30 years). A lease agreement between the Town and Protection #2 is to be drafted by Town Counsel in the event that this site is accepted by the Board of Selectmen.  C. Walton noted that Mark Janos has actually not yet been retained to represent the Fire Company in the negotiations, but is one of the attorneys being considered.
The Committee requested that Protection #2 take a vote confirming that all three parcels owned by the Company will be included in the lease and authorizing negotiations to go ahead.

  • Space Needs:  S. Joslin was not able to attend the meeting but reported via e-mail that CSS is approximately 85% complete with their work and has developed some rough cost figures.  The Committee still needs to provide information regarding time line, final recommendations, and direction for the project, etc.
  • Conceptual Plan:  Location of the new building on the site and adding on to the existing Protection #2 building vs. building a totally new complex were discussed.  C. Walton and K. Grant said that Protection #2 now understands the concerns about sequencing the project and the benefits of constructing a new building on the part of the property that is currently vacant instead of adding on to the existing building.
  • Project Costs:  Total anticipated project costs, including construction costs, soft costs, and furnishings, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E) are needed to provide a framework for developing an overall budget for the project.  Each department will need to provide its FF&E requirements.  The goal will be to have a project proposal ready in time for inclusion on the Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting in May 2014.
  • Public Outreach:  T. Blais reported that Jen Solis has offered to write a story on the project for The Daily News.  The Police Department and Fire Department will provide information to her and give her a tour of their respective facilities.

  • Comparable Facilities:  Ed Donnelly asked if the Committee had toured comparable facilities.  The Committee members reported that they had toured the West Newbury Public Safety Complex and had obtained information on facilities in Holden, MA and Bow, NH.  C. Walton and K. Grant have also received drawings for the facility in Hampton, NH and could arrange a tour if desired.

  • Function Hall:  Ed Donnelly reported that concern was raised at the last Fire Company meeting that the Function Hall had been eliminated and that the Community Room shown on the plan prepared by CSS was not large enough to accommodate the events that they now host; rental of the Hall is currently a major source of revenue for the Company.  T. Blais clarified that replacement of equipment and apparatus will be included in the Town’s asset funding plan, so the Company will no longer need to raise funds for that purpose.  She added that the Board of Fire Engineers will continue to oversee operations.
E. Svahn noted that there appear to be three questions:

  • Is a Function Hall needed to provide funding for the Company?
  • Is a Function Hall needed for community functions?
  • If it is determined that the Hall is needed, what is the appropriate size and use?
The Committee requested that the Fire Company take a vote at its next meeting on whether nor not a Function Hall is needed.

  • Operating Costs:  Ed Donnelly asked how operating expenses would be handled and if they would be the same as they are now.  K. Grant asked whether the annual stipend from the Town would be reduced by the amount costs are reduced.  T. Blais replied that funding of all municipal appropriations is subject to the annual budget process and is never guaranteed.  
Motion:  A motion was made by T. Blais and seconded by C. Walton to schedule the next meeting for Wednesday, October 16, 2013, when the additional survey work should be complete.  The motion passed unanimously.

On a motion made by C. Walton and seconded by K. Grant, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03.

NEXT MEETING October 16, 2013, 8:15 A.M.
Fire Hall

Respectfully submitted,

Martha L. Taylor
Town Planner